Name Perfecto100
Ladies Name Romina K.
Date of Visit 26-12-2018
Time of Visit 05:00 pm
Duration of Visit 1 Hour
Looks 10 out of 10
Performance 10 out of 10
Comment Wow! What a gorgeous girl! I had a lot of fun with her enthusiastic yet lady-like behavior. It really turned me on, when she used her body to massage mine during the striptease. Plus, I really liked when her roaming hands and black hair were lightly teasing my body during the massage, it was one of the best foreplay experiences I have ever had. Romina had me wondering the whole time if I could extend the meeting because I really enjoyed the experience. She knew how to use her mouth and her hands during sex, she kept on tweaking my body here and there, which made me really hot and bothered. It was a great experience, I would love to have her again for the whole night.
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