Tall, slim brunette Mimi is a firecracker. This fiery lady oozes energy and she is a true experimenter. Pretty Mimi is as open-minded as a girl can be. She literally wants to try everything and anything. Life for her is a continuous adventure to be enjoyed. She recently transferred to the UK from Czechoslovakia and finds the UK terribly exciting. She is so happy to be here. Her good genes account for her great figure as she says she really doesn t follow a fitness routine. She s naturally slim and gorgeous and she loves her long brown hair. Mimi says she wants to grow it as long as possible!
Sweet Mimi is described by her friends as being a very open minded girl who loves fun and partying. They say she s even lovelier in person than her photographs suggest and that she can wear any outfit and look absolutely stunning, whether a mini skirt or a jogging suit. She s beautiful. They also say that in spite of her natural beauty, she is a very warm, laid back, modest lady and an affectionate friend to have. And they say can she party! She s a true hardcore partier who looks really great the morning after! A very lucky girl!
Mimi s idea of a great getaway? Mimi would love to party on a white sandy beach in the tropics under some bright sunshine. She says good music, great sun, clean ocean water, and white sandy beaches would provide a perfect setting for a weekend-long party with scrumptious food in special company. Mimi told us that nothing could be better than warm sand under your feet, a dip in the ocean to cool off and a special friend to share it all with. Add in the music and your favorite food and voila! A fantastic getaway.